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Quinn Thomashow
is an East Coast-based experimental filmmaker with a passion for the earth, the cosmos, and expression. Working to make experimental​ film more accessible.

The Whole is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts explores accessibility, memory, and experimental filmmaking as a tool for accessing the inner self. In the Fall of 2019, while traveling across the United States, I taught camera-less film workshops in which I asked participants to express their “inner self” on a strip of 16mm film. These “visual autobiographies” are a synthesis of expression and memory in an abstract form. To capture my own inner, I documented the journey on super 8 film, and drew animations of the landscapes that drifted by me during my travels. My footage is stitched together with the collected consciousness of the many people that I met in these workshops; my memories in conversation with theirs. Each person’s contribution calls to mind one of my own memories, which relates back to the collective memory of the universe. I ask, while experiencing this work, that you think about your own inner thoughts and recollections, how they affect you, how they are both personal and private, and how they might affect the memories of others around you. Our memory is a collective memory; we are much greater as a whole then as parts alone.
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